What to expect at your next dental visit:
A member of our team will contact you prior to your dental visit with questions before your next visit. You will be asked to call our office from your car when you arrive, and we will ask you to come to the front desk to fill out paperwork and have your temperature taken. We will provide you with hand sanitizer prior to filling out your paperwork. No Advil, Tylenol, Aspirin or any other potentially fever reducing medication is permitted 4-6 hours prior to your appointment time due to a CDC requirement for temperature screening. Please bring and wear a mask that covers both your mouth and nose, as you will be asked to wear this at all times except for during dental treatment; even wear the mask while conversing with our team or Dr. Klein. When seated in the treatment room you will be asked to rinse with 1% hydrogen peroxide prior to starting treatment. When treatment is completed please wear your mask covering both your nose and your mouth, and a member of our team will escort you to the front desk. Please expect all team members to be wearing face masks and expect the team members in the treatment rooms to be fully donned in PPE.
Covid 19 PPE Fee:
A Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) fee is added to your visit due to the high increase in PPE costs from registered U.S. dental suppliers. PPEs are scarcely available in the U.S. due to federal FEMA restrictions of disbursement to select few healthcare sectors including U.S. hospitals and nursing homes. The scarcity of availability of these items (masks, gloves, gowns, buffonts, shields, etc) have greatly influenced and have driven the high pricing of these difficult to purchase products.
Thank you,
Dr. Lisa Klein